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School Facilities


Library has a variety of books, thus we provide exclusive books, encyclopedias and other text material apart from text books, which enables an individual to inculcate the habit of reading skills .We also provide books to the students for their long term use up to a period of fortnight. The availability of newspapers, charts, maps and competitive books are additional treasure of library. Back Back


We have exclusive labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology with fully equipped apparatus and reagents, charts and posters .Since learning by doing is the best method to learn, so we keep our labs updated. Back Back

Computer Lab

It provides a platform where students explore their potential to exhibit their technological skills, assisted by experts. Back Back


The use of technology is growing at a great pace .We understand the importance of Artificial intelligence in today’sworld. Hence, we have installed Smart Classes where students are learning critical updates of subjects especially Science, Geography and improving their phonetics. Back Back

Co– Curricular Activities

To enhance the talents and skills of the students, co-curricular activities like Poster making, Collage Making, Mehndi Competition, Best out of waste, Debate Competition, Speech Competition etc. are organized. The objective of these activities is to explore the hidden talents of creativity, leadership and learning through multiple intelligence. Back Back

Physical Fitness

To inculcate healthy life style, we focus on sports activities, athletic events and yoga etc. to maintain good health and growth of students. Back Back

Clean Drinking Water

The drinking water should be kept clean which prevents the transmission of the water-borne diseases in the population. Purified RO && Cooler facilities are available in school, to prevent these diseases. Back Back

Clean Solar Energy

Solar power is said to be green since, in contrast to other sources of energy, it does not emit any pollutant into the atmosphere, only because it is a green source of energy electricity from the solar system is totally free. This will help you reduce your bills and at the same time lower your household's’ carbon footprint. Back Back

School Bus

When using services of school buses, parents can rest assured about the conveyance and safety of their kids. They don’t have to worry about daily commute of their kids and to manage their to-do list according to the timing of the school. Back Back


Playgrounds provide the opportunity for children to practice skills that will ultimately play a role in adult competencies such as the ability to collaborate with others, develop decision making skills, and successfully take on leadership roles, persevere in the face of distractions, and generate creative ideas. Back Back

Campus Security

When students feel safe, they are better able to focus on learning, which in turn leads to increased academic achievement. ... Recent research even suggests that perceptions of school safety may have a greater impact on student success than actual safety. Back Back

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